Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

5 Indoor Plants for Your Home Office

Snake Plant

 It is one of the most common indoor plants that can grow up to several feet. So, make sure you buy it according to a size that would go well with your home office.

 Aloe Vera

Aloe will not just be that indoor plant that makes your space look good but it might also be used for your skincare as the aloe gel comes with cooling effects. 

Money Plant

 A natural climber, this plant will make sure that it grows and decorates your walls, provided you give it a nudge in the right direction.

Lucky Bamboo

This plant is an easy-to-grow indoor plant and can even take abstract shapes if you help it in that direction. 

English Ivy

This plant can provide a lush foliage in your home office if you buy a certain variety of the plant called Curly Locks or Manda’s Crested.